
The BAGMASZ Company was established in 1995 by Arkadiusz Gałka as a small family business. During the first years of its existence the BAGMASZ company was occupied with renovation and sales of second-hand machines imported from Western European countries.

The fundamental rules that have been in effect in BAGMASZ Company since the beginning of its activity are: RELIABILITY and SOLIDITY The additional assets are: all-time increasing trade offer, attractive prices and huge experience that has been gained during hundreds of repairs and renovations carried out.

Due to harmonious coexistence of all these elements the BAGMASZ Company is consistently building its renown among growing number of satisfied Customers. Constant development of the BAGMASZ company results in increasing quality of services and goods offered.

Bagmasz, which started its work in rented premises, today has own, attractively situated seat to its disposal. It also owns well-equipped service workshop and experienced personnel. The exposition section has been adapted to launch any device.